Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Resolutions, both Inane and Grandiose

Now, I'm not a huge fan of making promises you can't keep. (I'll explain the concept of pie crust promises later--pie crust promise.) And I'm terrible at this whole thing called foresight, and planning just isn't up my proverbial alley. So New Year's Resolutions aren't really my thing.

However, this is the "Person in Progress" blog. New Year's Resolutions are about progress, so I feel obligated to write this post. So here are ye olde Resolutions, all made up in the last 30 minutes and posted 30ish minutes before January 1 ends. We'll see how it goes!

1. Do some form of cardio 3-4 days a week. Got to keep this form in good form, ya know.

2. Learn how to French braid. Seriously. How, as a 20-something woman who has had longish hair since the age of 8, do I not know how to do this?

3. Send my manuscript to a publisher and/or agency by midnight December 31, 2013. I had planned on having it out by now, but being an employed adult was a tad more difficult than I expected.

4. Try something new. I'm sort of cheating, as I've already signed up for some introductory fencing classes in February. But I actually have to call and confirm...

5. Stop procrastinating when it comes to phone calls. Doctor's appointments, dental appointments, hair appointments, restaurant reservations, confirming fencing lessons, ordering pizza...hate it. Hate it all.

6. Read Moby Dick. And Brother's Karamazov. Basically, keep reading through my bookshelf. A resolution that will never be resolved. 

7. Limit my sweets intake to dark chocolate for the month of January. I gave up sweets for long periods of time in high school, so I know it's possible. But this is probably a better solution for the people around me. 

8. Drink more water. Wash my face every night. Moisturize. Floss more often. Wear sunscreen on non-beach days. Get a reasonable amount of sleep. I know, I know, multiple items. But the spirit of the resolution: do those little, adult things that pay off health-wise in a big way. 

9. Cut myself some slack when I don't live up to my own expectations. Ah, what a beautiful loophole. 

So there you have it. My resolutions. They're varied, vague, and...viable? We'll see.

Happy New Year, one and all!    

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