I used to have something interesting to write about. But my travels are over for the summer, which I've already made clear by changing my "current city" on Facebook. So it's been harder and harder for me to summon up the spunk necessary for a good post. Not that I don't have anything to say-- far from it. It's just that I don't feel like my ordinary life is worth writing about. Hence the falling off the wagon.
I know, I know. I am a member of a narcissistic generation, where it has become customary for girls (and quite a few boys) to take photos of themselves with their smartphones, to contort their features and their body in the bathroom mirror, and then to upload those photos for others to leave comments like: "OMG you look so hawt!" or "Ur lookin' good babe!" Oh yes, compliment fishing has gone high-tech.
My last photo upload was a picture of pasta salad I'd just made, tagging my brother in the midst of its mayonnaise-y goodness so he knew exactly what he was missing. Oh yes, sibling teasing has also gone high-tech. And it probably tells you a little bit about my priorities. And why, despite the current cultural acceptance of egotism, I have a hard time coming up with a blog post I deem worthy for publication. Not that things have been completely boring. As I write, Hurricane Irene is blowing my area a kiss goodbye. And last week, an earthquake hit the East Coast, sending people into an unnecessary panic. For my part, I wondered if my mom's new dryer was already acting up. Thankfully, it wasn't.
I've also been finishing up my final errands before my final year of undergrad begins. Repairing the car, buying new clothes, packing my suitcases, etc. etc. It's actually been fun, shopping, considering I've lost over 20 pounds since the end of January. (Fulfilling one of my goals in my first entry, as a matter of fact.) I mean, it's still a work in progress, like my novel, but progress is progress.
So, I head back to GR and to student life. Back to books, Meijer runs, and fending for myself. And I'm ready to go back, if only for some sort of routine. I even copied down 30+ of my mom's recipes in the hopes of expanding my culinary repertoire this year. We'll see how the balance of inanity and insanity works out; knowing me, it will probably skew towards the insanity, but isn't that more fun?
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