Saturday, March 26, 2011

Some Photos

Southside Seaport, with some blessed sun!

We made it on the Forever 21 billboard in Times Square.

Outslay Way

Outslay Way. That is the name of one of the streets in Midland Park, NJ, hometown of my roommate Heather. You may now commence your moment of silence in condolences for her, poor, unfortunate soul...

...and now we're back. It is spring break for Calvin, and, instead of going somewhere warmish and sunny, I am outside of NYC, where it is currently hailing/raining. But c'est la vie, and I go to school in West Michigan. A little gray weather isn't going to get me down. We went to The Late Show with some friends, Wonderland on Broadway, the Metropolitan Museum, and, because I am a complete child, the Central Park Zoo.

Some tidbits...
At the Met, as Heather and I marveled over a wondrous Roman mosaic transported from Israel, there was a sudden clatter. What could it be? Oh no! A preteen girl has dropped her camera! But what has happened? Oh no! Behold: a Duracell battery rolls across the ancient tiles, settling in a blemish caused by the ravages of time. "Mom?" she asks. "Should I go get it?" Thankfully, the security guard prevented the klutzy tween from walking across the priceless mosaic to retrieve a AA battery.

A man trying to raise money for homeless shelters also attempted to hook either Heather or I or both of us up with our friend Arnold. By calling Heather and I "hot babes" and Arnold "big guy," and having us link arms, he definitely earned some money for his cause.

When shoe shopping, the saleswoman commented that I need a tan. Yes, I am rather pale. Ghostly, even. Translucent, luminous, what have you. I am readily aware of this. I'm not particularly offended by people's judgment, but it's rather odd to hear it from a complete stranger. Especially from someone trying to sell me something-- isn't she supposed to be buttering me up or something?
I did buy the shoes, though. I guess the joke's on me.

Anywho, that's about it. It was a 12 hour drive back from New Jersey, and I'm tired. But it's good to be back.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The winds, they are a'changin'

Well hello, ephemeral, invisible, and possibly non-existent audience. A good day to you.
This has been quite a week. So, because I like lists, I shall sum it up for you:

1. Had a blast at the Writer's Retreat 2011. Despite fighting a nasty cold, I managed to whip out a sentence for our "worst first sentence of a novel" contest, also known as a Bulwer-Lytton contest. George Bulwer-Lytton is famous for the cliche "It was a dark and stormy night..." More specifically, he began his novel Paul Clifford like so:

It was a dark and stormy night--the rain fell in torrents--except at occasional intervals, when it was      checked by a violent gust of wind which swept up the streets (for it is in London that our scene lies), rattling along the housetops, and fiercely agitating that scanty flame of the lamps that struggled against the darkness.

And here is my contribution to the contest:

The relationship ended, she realized, the day he had shaved his beard--oh that magnificent beard, which preceded him with proud protuberance, putting the bushy tails of sleek squirrels to such a shame that they brought offerings of winter-aged nuts while weeping over their inadequacy--and every time she looked upon the balded chin bereft of the masculine, yet tender, homage to Sampson's strength, she was overcome with a poignant pain that overshadowed her once all-consuming love.

Which one is worse? You'll be the judge, but remember: mine has squirrels AND beards AND a Biblical allusion. 

2. Got a 99 (yes, out of 100, Dad) on my Japanese midterm. I wasn't particularly worried about it, but it is nice to prove to my new professor that I am a capable, intelligent young woman that my chronic lateness might not suggest. Or my doodling. Or my habit of checking the clock every five minutes. She doesn't know that she's teaching a schoolwork ninja!

3. We got our housing issue worked out, so I will be living with some lovely girls next year who like hugs, respect English majors, and like watching movies. And there's the potential of maintaining proximity to the Conundrum that is my crush. But a lady doesn't not-kiss and tell.

4. I am (drumroll please...) GOING TO ITALY THIS SUMMER!!!! I apologize for the capitalization and exclamation marks, but really, I got a scholarship (which means hopefully zero or little money out of my pocket) to study Italian for a month in Perugia, Italy. Alicia's No Carb Left Behind tour (forget Eat, Pray, Love-- it's going to be Eat, Eat, Eat!)

So, another list of Extra-Concentrated Joy. The sun is out, the temperatures are up, and I am smiling!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Ultra-Concentrated Joy

I need to be more like my dish soap, "Ultra-Concentrated Joy."So...Ultra-Concentrated Joy List!!!!!

1. The Writers Retreat is this weekend! I am so, so, so excited to join professors and students (many of them friends) on an adventure to northern Michigan to write, read, and play. I am really excited for this.
2. I have people to live with next year! My dear friend Hope and a friend of hers were looking for people to live with- and so were we girls of Beta 6. So Apartment Sunny-Fun-Time is a go! It's a weight off of my shoulders.
3. It's raining. For most people, this would be depressing. But I love the rain. I love the "stay at home with a hot drink and a good book" feel of those days. I love the way the rain feels on my hair, on my face. I love jumping in puddles with my daisy-decorated rain boots. I love it.
4. A seemingly insurmountable week was conquered.
5. Lent starts today. I am experimenting in controlling food and not allowing it to control me. So, for the next 40 days, no sweets- no cupcakes, ice cream, candy, cookies, donuts, etc. etc. It's not going to be easy, but it's going to be done.

Now it's time for some mac and cheese!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Lack of Sleep: A Study of Crankiness

For the past two nights, this writer has woken up at 7:10 for a Statistics class thinking one thing: You've got to be kidding me. The sun isn't up at 7:10, and because this is Michigan, it's absolutely frigid. So leaving the comforting den made of blankets and pillows is the last thing I want to do. Fortunately for my GPA, that's a lie. The real last thing I want to do is fail, so I drag my weary body out of bed and use brush, soap, and makeup to fake wakefulness.

On most days, I'm pretty awake by the end of my morning classes. But for the past two days, I've racked up a sleep deficit that almost rivals our national one. And so, the unfortunate side effect of grumpiness kicks in. In me, this usually consists of: muttering curses under my breath at the least inconvenience, a marked increase in whining and complaining, a war between needing to be alone and needing to be loved, and general irritability that makes me a highly unpleasant person to be around. (Unless, of course, you're giving me a hug. Hugs give you carte blanche for about 10 minutes, or until you do something stupid.) For instance, today is laundry day. Here is how it went:

1. Because the person using the good washer came in just after I had started my load, I got stuck with the slow washer. This turns a 35 minute process into a 45 minute one, if you're lucky.
2. Because someone then used the good washer right after the first person had put his stuff in the dryer, her load was finished before mine.
3. Thus, this person got the remaining free dryer. Both put set their dryers to "More dry." In addition to being vague, this gives me no timeline as to when I can finally use the dryer. And until then, my wet clothes wrinkle and dry.

On a normal day, this would be mildly irritating. On this day, I am $#%@^&!* pissed. Because I could be recovering or taking a nap, but instead I have to wait for a dryer, and then another 45 minutes until my clothes are dry. And yes, I know, there's so much worse in life. I could have real trials and tribulations to weep and gnash my teeth over.

But do you know what? I'm exhausted, cranky, and I have a black belt. Try me.