For the past two nights, this writer has woken up at 7:10 for a Statistics class thinking one thing: You've got to be kidding me. The sun isn't up at 7:10, and because this is Michigan, it's absolutely frigid. So leaving the comforting den made of blankets and pillows is the last thing I want to do. Fortunately for my GPA, that's a lie. The real last thing I want to do is fail, so I drag my weary body out of bed and use brush, soap, and makeup to fake wakefulness.
On most days, I'm pretty awake by the end of my morning classes. But for the past two days, I've racked up a sleep deficit that almost rivals our national one. And so, the unfortunate side effect of grumpiness kicks in. In me, this usually consists of: muttering curses under my breath at the least inconvenience, a marked increase in whining and complaining, a war between needing to be alone and needing to be loved, and general irritability that makes me a highly unpleasant person to be around. (Unless, of course, you're giving me a hug. Hugs give you carte blanche for about 10 minutes, or until you do something stupid.) For instance, today is laundry day. Here is how it went:
1. Because the person using the good washer came in just after I had started my load, I got stuck with the slow washer. This turns a 35 minute process into a 45 minute one, if you're lucky.
2. Because someone then used the good washer right after the first person had put his stuff in the dryer, her load was finished before mine.
3. Thus, this person got the remaining free dryer. Both put set their dryers to "More dry." In addition to being vague, this gives me no timeline as to when I can finally use the dryer. And until then, my wet clothes wrinkle and dry.
On a normal day, this would be mildly irritating. On this day, I am $#%@^&!* pissed. Because I could be recovering or taking a nap, but instead I have to wait for a dryer, and then another 45 minutes until my clothes are dry. And yes, I know, there's so much worse in life. I could have real trials and tribulations to weep and gnash my teeth over.
But do you know what? I'm exhausted, cranky, and I have a black belt. Try me.